End of Term

Dear Parents/Guardians, 3rd, 4th, LCA and 6th year students will finish Friday 16th December at 12.55 p.m. Exams for 1st,...

RE: Our School’s Admission Policy

Dear School Community, RE: Our School’s Admission Policy Following the recent commencement of the Education (Provision in respect of Children...

Significant increase in viral infections and Group A Strep infections

Dear Parent/Guardians/Students, Please see below from the health department regarding Significant increase in viral infections and Group A Strep infections....

Christmas Exams 2022 5th year

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find below the 5th year Christmas Exam timetable. Students are reminded to attend school as normal before...

Christmas Exams 2022 2nd year

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find below the 2nd year Christmas Exam timetable. Students are reminded to attend school as normal before...

Christmas Exams 2022 1st year

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find below the 1st year Christmas Exam timetable. Students are reminded to attend school as normal before...

Junior Certificate Results 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians, The Junior Certificate results for 2022 will be published by the Department of Education and Skills on Wednesday,...

Parent Teacher Meeting – Thursday 17th November 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians, There will be a Parent/Teacher Meeting on Thursday, 17th November 2022 for Parents/Guardians of 1st, 3rd and 6th...

Halloween Walk Friday 28th October

Good afternoon, this coming Friday we will hold our traditional fancy dress fun walk in aid of Temple Street. The...

TUD Parent Webinars 2022/2023

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find attached a list of webinars that might be of interest to you. They are provided online...