Trustee Change

Dear Parents/Guardians, For some time now, our trustees the Religious Sisters of Charity have been looking at the future of...

Valentines Day – Non Uniform

Dear School Community,   We will be having a non-uniform day tomorrow Friday 14th February to celebrate Valentines Day. Students...

3rd & 6th year Study Seminar

Dear 3rd & 6th year Parents/Guardians,   We will be hosting a Study Skills Seminar next Tuesday 4th February from...

Senior Cycle Redevelopment

Dear Parent/Guardian,   Please find attached information regarding Senior Cycle Redevelopment.   Thank you. Pdf-1

Storm Éowyn School Closure – Friday 24th January

Dear School Community,   Due to the extreme nature (Red Warning) of Storm Éowyn and the threat of multi-hazard weather...

Parent teacher Meeting Tonight

Dear Parent/Guardian,   Reminder that we have our 1st/2nd/5th/LCA PTM tonight in school, from 4.15pm to 6.45pm.   Given weather...

Christmas Reports 2024/2025

Dear Parents/Guardians,   Christmas Reports for 1st, 2nd, TY, 5th and LCA students are now available to view on VSWare....

1st/2nd/5th/LCA Parent Teacher Meeting

Dear Parent/Guardian & school community,   This is a gentle reminder that we will be hosting our 1st/2nd/5th/LCA Parent Teacher...

Return to Full School Uniform

Dear School Community, As we prepare for the week ahead, please note that the weather is expected to improve, students...

Dance Class

Dear Parent/Guardian,   A gentle reminder that Dance Class will begin again after school tomorrow, and every Thursday, until 6th...