Posts by StanhopeSS

Importance of MMR vaccine and being measles aware

Dear School Community, A message from the HSE regarding MMR vaccine and being measles aware. Kind regards, John Pdf-1

The Arts Council Collaboration

Dear School Community, I’m delighted to announce that we have successfully become a creative school’s partner. This is an initative...

Mock Examination Fees

Dear Parents/Guardians, Re: Mock Examinations If you have already made payment, please disregard this letter. As you are aware, Mock...

1st,2nd & 5th year Parent/Teacher Meeting – Thursday 25th January

Dear Parents/Guardians,   A reminder that we will have our 1st, 2nd & 5th year PTM this Thursday 25th January...

Co-education Parent/Guardian Meeting

Dear Parent/Guardian, We are hosting a meeting for Parents and Guardians of our students to consult them on whether our...

Milder Weather – Standard Uniform reminder

Good afternoon, As the weather is due to get milder, students will return to their standard uniform for Monday i.e...

Cold Weather – PE Uniform

Good evening, As the weather is due to get much colder, we would like to give our students the option...

Free Study Club – Monday 15th Jan

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians, Homework/Study club will start back on Monday 15th January from 3.50pm – 4.40pm (Mon-Thurs). This fantastic club...

RE: End of Term

Dear Parents/Guardians, RE: End of Term 3rd, 4th, LCA and 6th year students will finish Tuesday 19th December at 15.40...

Manor Street – Diversions

Dear Parents/Guardians, Manor Street is closed due to a road traffic incident today. Cars will only be allowed as far...