Multicultural Day 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians, We would like to invite parents/gaurdains to our Multicutlrual Day 2023 tomorrow Friday from 10-12 o’clock. There will...

PTM School closing 3.25 p.m. Thursday, 23rd March 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians, There will be a Parent/Teacher Meeting on Thursday, 23rd March 2023 for Parents/Guardians of 3rd, Transition Year and...

Parent Teacher Meeting 3/4/6 year students

Dear Parents/Guardians, There will be a Parent/Teacher Meeting on Thursday, 23rd March 2023 for Parents/Guardians of 3rd, Transition Year and...

School Tracksuit Optional Thursday Friday

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, As the weather is forecast to be very cold, students will have the option to wear...

Leaving and Junior Certificate Exam fees waived

Examination Fees 2023 The Government’s announcement on 21 February 2023, of a wide range of once-off measures to assist with...

6th year Online Subject Portal

Dear 6th year Parent/Guardian,   The Candidate Self Service Portal opened at 1pm Wednesday 8 February for candidates to register...

6th year Leaving Cert Mock Exams

Dear 6th year Parent/Guardian, Leaving Cert Mock Examinations will begin on Thursday 2nd February at 8.40am sharp. In preparation for...

Parent Teacher Meeting on Thursday, 26th January 2023 for Parents/Guardians of 1st, 2nd, 5th and LCA students from 4.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m.

Dear Parents/Guardians, There will be a Parent Teacher Meeting on Thursday, 26th January 2023 for Parents/Guardians of 1st, 2nd, 5th...

Leaving Cert Mocks 2023 Timetable

Dear 6th year Parent/Guardian, Please see attached the Leaving Cert Mock Timetable 2023. Regards, Mr.Flynn Deputy Principal Pdf-1

Junior Cert Mocks 2023 Timetable

Dear 3rd year Parent/Guardian, Please see attached the Junior Cert Mock Timetable 2023. Regards, Mr.Flynn Deputy Principal Pdf-1