Junior Cycle Information for Parents/Guardians

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please see attached information from DES on the Junior Cycle. Kind regards, Mr. J. O’Brien Pdf-1

Junior Certificate Results 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians, The Junior Certificate results for 2023 will be published by the Department of Education and Skills on Wednesday,...

Revised Junior Cycle Social, Personal, and Health Education (SPHE) Programme

Dear Parent/Guardian, Aware of the important life skills and learning that SPHE provides as part of a holistic education for young...

Open Day/Evening Information Updated

Open Day/Evening Information Dear Parents/Guardians, This year we will organise two events for prospective students and their parents/guardians. Event one...

School Grounds Cars and Pedestrians *IMPORTANT*

Good morning, With the new school year up and running, we ask parents to drop/collect students on Manor street only....

Leaving Certificate Results – Viewing of Scripts

Good morning, Well done to all the class of 2023. We are so imensely proud of your achievement. Applications to...

Leaving Certificate Results

Dear Class and Graduates of 2023, The long wait is almost at an end. On the eve of obtaining your...

Summer Letter and information Sheet for New Year *Reminder*

Dear Parents/Guardians, *This message was previously sent June 26th and is available on our website. Key dates in the attachment*...

Junior and Leaving Certificate Exams 2023

Dear 3rd & 6th year Students and Parents, We would ask all Junior and Leaving Cert students attend our school...

1st & 2nd year Football Camp 2023

1st & 2nd year Students/Parents SCP Dublin 1 & 7 are running a football/soccer camp on the astropitch in Greek Street...