End of Year Schedule
May 23, 2023
Tuesday 23 May 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach the end of the year, please see below our closing schedule:
Thursday 25th May School Graduation
· School will finish at 12.10 p.m., Thursday 25th May for all year groups to facilitate our 6th year graduation.
· 6th year Graduation 14.00 in Aughrim Street Church, all are welcome.
Friday 26th May School Canteen
· 9.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. Transition Year Graduation 2022/2023, students will conclude the term after.
· 11.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon – 3rd year 2022/2023 Graduation, students will conclude the term after.
All Graduate families welcome.
LCA Students
LCA students will finish 12.55 p.m. Friday 26th May
All other year groups
· All other year groups will conclude school after their final exams.
Before the end of the week, please remember students must clear out your locker of all books, copies and resources.
Any books left behind will be returned to the book room. If this happens and you require replacement books next year from the school, you will have to repay all your book rental fees.
Any copies, papers or resources left behind will be recycled or thrown out.
Your lock must be returned to the office by the end of the week to carry your deposit over for next year.
6th year students will be refunded their deposit on receipt of their lock