Co-education Parent/Guardian Meeting
January 22, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are hosting a meeting for Parents and Guardians of our students to consult them on whether our school should become Co-educational in the future.
Co-education is the education of male and female student’s in the same school.
This meeting will take place in our School Canteen, Thursday, 25th January 2024 at 6.30 p.m.
If it is decided to allow boys to join our school, this will be a slow, gradual process.
But, no decision will be made until all stakeholders have been consulted. Please complete the survey that is being sent home with your daughter today (Copy also attached), and return to our school office on or before February 2nd 2024.
We have been asked to have this consultation by parents in our community. Our Board of Management believe now is the right time for this discussion.
We have listed some of the possible advantages and disadvantages below.
- Parents will be able to educate their sons and daughters in the same school.
- Students that are in Co-educational Primary schools will be able to maintain their primary school friendships by attending a Co-educational secondary school together.
- Parents will not have to send their children out of the community to avail of Co-education.
- Helps eliminate discrimination by developing mutual respect and understanding among the genders.
- Educating together helps build and maintain respect for each other’s self-esteem, building confidence by learning about each other.
- Helps to develop a balanced personality.
- Better understanding of acceptable norms.
- Build confidence around members of the opposite gender.
- Mirrors real life setting.
- Helps build healthy relationships.
- You may want to educate your daughter in an all-girls or all-boys school.
- Different genders may have different opinions and this may lead to disagreement.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our school office.