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Deputy Principal Parent/Guardian Role Consultation
June 7, 2022
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Regarding our upcoming vacancy for our new Deputy Principal, please find attached a job needs analysis form. The role need’s analysis is undertaken to examine the purpose, objectives and requirements of the role and to clarify the duties, responsibilities and other job demands. This analysis will help to identify the ideal person specification (skills, aptitudes and competencies required) for the position. This is voluntary and you do not need to sign your name in the space provided but it assists in identifying where the need is coming from i.e. teacher, middle management, parent, student, BOM etc. Forms can be returned to our school office or by email to DPRecruitment@stanhopesecondary.ie by 1.00 p.m., Friday 10th June.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards,