6th year Online Subject Portal
February 20, 2023
Dear 6th year Parent/Guardian,
The Candidate Self Service Portal opened at 1pm Wednesday 8 February for candidates to register an account and confirm their subject entries and levels. It will remain open for this purpose until 5pm Tuesday 21 February. Student portal can be found on www.examinations.ie
The Candidate Self Service Portal has been designed to be user friendly for candidates to confirm their examinations details and subject entries. A Before You Start Guide is available on the Portal to aid candidates in completing the necessary steps involved. The SEC CSSP helpdesk is also available for assistance from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday for the duration of the portal opening.
The SEC will use the information provided by candidates for planning purposes for the next stages of the examination process.
It is essential that all students register through the Portal as this Portal will provide candidates with the opportunity to confirm their subject choice and levels, to also allow future access to their results and for the later stages of the process such as the appeals application process.
When the candidate entry confirmation process on the CSSP has concluded, the SEC will then provide schools with a report of the entries (Matrix) for the candidates in the school for review and confirmation.
Where a candidate has not registered and/or a candidate who registered but did not confirm their subject/level choices through the Candidate Self Service Portal their subject/level options will be defaulted to the subjects/levels entered during the October returns process.
Further information and relevant amendment forms will be sent with the Matrix report. It is only after the portal has closed and the matrix has issued that the SEC will update candidate data at the request of school.
Kind Regards,
Patrick Flynn
Deputy Principal
Stanhope Secondary School